A hundred years ago, humans learned that the planet will be destroyed. Now, as the day of destruction is months away, most of the human race has already evacuated into space. This is largely due to the accomplishments of Sion, a genius scientist and an artificially enhanced human. It was at this time that she met Ryo, a soldier with lifeless eyes ordered to become her bodyguard. Now, let’s let the curtains rise on the last love story on earth…
Some extra information:
This was released on September 18th, 2009 by the company Minori (also famous for the Ef series and the fact that they were one of the first to ban foreign IP). This is linear (no choices, 1 ending), and is short enough to be finished within a single afternoon. For an extra 25 bucks, you can also buy Eden* Plus Mosaic, which is a patch that adds 18+ content.
Elicia is the one and only maid at the research facility. She attends to Sion’s personal needs, and is a cheerful older sister to everyone (as you can tell, she also has a tendency to over-dramatize situation). She also possesses the usual skills of a maid: the ability to do laundry, cook good food, brew excellent tea, clean, martial arts, etc, etc. To say anymore would be spoiler-ish, so I’ll stop here. (She also shares seiyuus with Amamiya Yuuko of Ef)
Well, the best way to describe the BGM is that it’s what I expected from Minori, I guess. It’s Eiichiro Yanagi and Tenmon again, with Hitomi Harada doing the vocals for the opening song. There are lots of piano, lots of violin, and lots of that special metallic flavor of their music that I can’t quite describe. Those who had heard the soundtrack of Ef (anime or game) should get a nostalgic feeling from it. All the tracks has that simple, clean feeling, which suits the story well.
The voice acting was also pretty nice too, especially in the case of Shimura Yumi, sis a wonderful job voicing Sion.
Pretty average. Forwards, backwards, auto, voice cut-off and special effects with album, music and animation galleries. The text box is a simple gradient, and the menus are almost undecorated. There was next to no special functions or special effects (though there wasn’t really any need for any). Though one little thing I noticed is that if you are playing, then loads a save file to a scene playing the same BGM that was already playing, the BGM continues on, without starting again. A small detail, I know, but it’s always bugged me in other games, so that’s all good.
It’s short. And I mean finish-in-one-afternoon kind of short. Really, it’s more of a long movie with extra subtitles rather than a novel. It’s well paced, it’s funny, it’s heart-warming, it’s dramatic, it’s romantic, and, well, it brought me to tears. All the characters were fleshed out, and the story still has this strong emotional impact on you even though you KNOW how it’s going to end. In other words? One of the best I’ve ever seen, I absolutely love it.